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Benefits of three day fasts

  • Fasting can be an effective method for losing weight, enhancing health and improving mental clarity.

  • There are many different methods of fasting. Choose a type that matches your lifestyle and health goals.

  • The three day fast enhances health and supports healthy aging. It must be used with caution and planning. 


Fasting has long been a feature of many cultures and religions. It is considered one of the most traditional forms of medical treatment. Although it has become more popular recently for weight loss, fasting has several other benefits. These include enhancing health and preventing chronic diseases. 

There are several forms of fasting. Each has its own advantages. Though we will look into different types of fasting, the focus here is the three day fast. We'll provide insight into three day fasting benefits and how to execute them successfully. 





What is fasting? 


Fasting is the intentional cessation of eating, drinking, or both for an extended time. The abstinence may be continuous, intermittent, long, or short in duration. Most fasts last between 12 and 24 hours. Others extend for many days. 

Sometimes, only water and zero-calorie beverages, such as black or decaf unsweetened tea and coffee are allowed during a fasting period. Other fasting diets permit low-calorie meals, provided the daily caloric intake is minimal. There are often no dietary limitations when you are not fasting. 

Weight loss, better blood sugar regulation and a reduction in inflammation are a few of the potential health advantages of fasting. Fasting may also protect against certain illnesses, including cancer and neurological diseases.

Fasting has many positive health effects, however not everyone should do it. Ask your doctor's guidance before you begin fasting. Generally, fasting is not suitable for the following individuals:


  • Those who have eating problems or are in recovery from them

  • Those who are underweight

  • Pregnant or nursing women

  • People with high energy requirements (like athletes)

  • Teenagers and children 

  • Individuals using insulin for type 1 diabetes

  • People who experience digestive problems, such as stomach ulcers


    woman smiling while participating in a 3 day fast


    Different types of fasting


    There are various methods of fasting. Picking a type that matches your lifestyle and health objectives is essential. Here are some of the most popular types of fasting:


    Intermittent fasting 


    Intermittent fasting implies cycles of eating and fasting, lasting anything from a few hours to a few days at a time. You abstain from food for set periods, often ranging from 12 hours to 2 days, while you eat a regular diet during non-fasting periods. 

    There are various styles of intermittent fasting. They all involve eating and fasting at set times every day. Here are some examples of intermittent fasting:

    1. Time Restricted Feeding restricts the eating time to a set number of hours daily. After fasting, you may eat anything you want for the rest of the day. 

    2.  Alternate day fasting is  where fasting and eating days alternate daily. It entails a continuous cycle of one day of regular eating followed by one day of fasting. 

    3. The modified fasting approach designates certain fasting days each week; calorie intake is restricted on the specified days, and free eating is allowed for the rest of the week.

    4. The one meal a day (OMAD) technique calls for one meal daily. OMAD allows you to eat everything you want, but fasting is for a more extended period. 


    Multiple-day fasting or prolonged fasting


    This involves going without food for a long time in a row, generally two or more days. Frequent practices include fasting two consecutive days per week, three days per month, or three days every three months. During fasting, you can still consume zero-calorie beverages like water, black coffee, and tea.


    Circadian rhythm fasting


    The circadian rhythm fasting promotes scheduling meals to coincide with regular sleep and waking periods. The fasting method requires eating between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and fasting between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.


    What is three day fasting? 


    Three day fasting is an extended fast that lasts three consecutive days or 72 hours. During fasting, you can't consume any calorie-dense foods or drinks except water, plain tea, or coffee. Three day fasting is more intense. 


    What happens to the body during a three day fast? 


    Normally, our bodies use glucose-stored as glycogen - as fuel. The first 24 hours of a three day fast are when the body depletes its glycogen reserves. When that happens, it starts to burn protein and fat for fuel. After 48 hours, the body switches to starvation mode, stores protein, and relies primarily on fat for energy. It converts stored fat into chemicals called ketones and glucose, which it utilizes as fuel. The body's metabolic process using stored fat as fuel is called ketosis. 

    The precise time when  these processes begin varies depending on  current diet, degree of physical activity, and metabolic rate.


    How to prepare for a three day fast


    If you have never fasted or engaged in intermittent calorie restriction, you should get your body and mind ready for a three day fast. Here’s a few ideas:

    • Practice fasting for short periods to help your body adjust to the physical effects of a longer fast.
    • Avoid overindulging before starting your fast. Your body will take longer to enter ketosis the more you eat. 
    • Relax and prevent stress.
    • Stay hydrated and replenish your electrolytes.
    • Manage your cravings through activities such as meditation, going for walks, creating art.


    How to break a three day fast


    After ending your fast, you should eat something light such as soup, smoothies, bone broth, fruit and vegetable salads, or yogurt. These light foods will aid your bowel motions and help your body gradually transition back to eating.

    Avoid consuming carbohydrates and sweets after your first day back.  They can throw your body out of ketosis. Refrain from drinking alcohol or caffeine, and eating large meals for at least three days. When you resume eating, you must give your stomach time to acclimate. Acid reflux can be painfully brought on by quickly eating too many calories, fats, and acidic meals.

    According to studies, prolonging your fast for at least 72 hours can reduce your chance of contracting various chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. The process of autophagy protects the body from one of the leading causes of cancer - the buildup of damaged cells in the body. 


    Benefits of a three day fast 


    Three day fasting benefits include:


    Weight loss


    During three day fasts, your body enters a state of ketosis,which promotes fat-burning and aids in weight loss. Three day fasts also create a calorie deficit, aiding weight reduction. 


    Improves insulin sensitivity 


    The body can reset its insulin levels when food is withheld for a prolonged time. As a result, the body's insulin sensitivity increases. Your body is better at lowering blood sugar levels when you have more insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, it facilitates faster glucose delivery from the circulation to your cells.


    Fights inflammation


    Acute inflammation is a natural immune response that aids in the defense against infections. Persistent inflammation can have adverse health effects. A multitude of health conditions, such as heart disease, Polycystis Ovarian Syndrome, and even immune system difficulties, can all be brought on by inflammation. 

    Fasting can reduce the number of monocytes in your blood, which helps to reduce inflammation. Monocytes are white blood cells that aid in the body's defense against bacteria, viruses, and other diseases. A high monocyte level might indicate an infection, severe stress, blood condition, or other health problems.


    Promotes longevity


    The process through which the body gets rid of unhealthy cells and repairs damaged ones is known as autophagy. Even though most of the research used animal models, it has been demonstrated that enhanced cellular repair and postponed tissue aging boost overall lifespan. 

    Although autophagy constantly occurs in the body, fasting expedites the process. Studies show that prolonged fasting enhances cellular healing more than other types of fasting.




    three day fasts benefits infographic




    Fasting can be beneficial to your health when combined with a wholesome diet and an active lifestyle. There are various ways to fast. Find a method that works for you. 

    The three day fast has the potential to be an effective tool for enhancing health and well-being. It must be used with caution and planning. Consult your doctor before beginning a fast.Start with shorter fasting intervals if you are new to fasting. 

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