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What is cellular health?

  • Maintaining healthy cells is the first step toward a healthy body

  • NAD+ is essential to preserving our cellular health

  • NMN supplements promote cell repair and healthy aging by restoring NAD+ levels in the body


Every living thing begins as a single cell. You might think of cells as a microscopic reflection of your entire health, as they are the fundamental units of life. There are trillions of cells in the human body, and they all work together to keep us alive. Your cellular health is ultimately at the root of healthy aging, immunity, or any illness and discomfort you may be experiencing.

Accordingly, what is cellular health, and why is it important? How do you best ensure your cells stay healthy? What role do NMN and antioxidants play in cellular health? Below, you'll find answers to these questions and more.  





Why is Cellular Health Important? 


Cellular health, in its simplest definition, is the state of your body's cells. In this sense, cellular health can be considered a miniature copy of general health. For example, suppose your cells are healthy and communicating effectively with one another. In that case, your body as a whole should be healthy. Conversely, diseases develop whenever cellular activity is impaired.

Cellular health focuses on the cells and how best to care for them. Caring includes ensuring cells receive all the nutrition they need, are safe from environmental stressors, and operate at peak efficiency.

The state of your cells significantly impacts how your body works, how well it heals itself, how quickly and efficiently it generates new tissues, and so much more. Our cellular well-being has far-reaching implications for how we experience every facet of life. Therefore taking care of your cells is crucial. 
One of the best things you can do for your general health, daily energy, and long-term health results is to learn about the importance of cellular health and take action to strengthen it.

One of the best things you can do for your general health, daily energy, and long-term health results is to learn about the importance of cellular health and take action to strengthen it.



Cell and Chromosome structure




DNA Damage and Repair


The nucleus is an organelle found inside nearly all of your body's cells and serves as the cell's command center. The nucleus contains twenty-three sets of chromosomes. Those are very long strands of DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid). 

A strand of DNA can be visualized as a twisted ladder or double helix. DNA is a code that contains all the instructions on how a cell should function. Humans have somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000 genes, which make up our genetic makeup.

All the information that makes you unique is in your DNA. They also instruct your cells on how to act, when to grow and divide, and when to die. Also, some genes determine the rate of cell division and growth.

Sadly, there is always a chance of a cell's DNA getting damaged. Everyday life and the environment significantly contribute to the daily average of one million molecular lesions in DNA. Oxidative stress, which occurs when an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants exists in the body, is one of the leading causes of cellular damage. 

In the simplest terms, free radicals are chemicals that can destroy and harm cells. Antioxidants are chemicals that shield cells from injury caused by free radicals. Long-term exposure to oxidative stress increases the likelihood of adverse health outcomes such as accelerated aging and diseases. 

Nonetheless, cells possess a wide variety of proteins whose function is DNA repair. However, a cell's ability to repair DNA becomes impaired with age, which impacts human longevity. Therefore, the success of any anti-aging pill or treatment depends in large part on its ability to promote DNA repair and shield cells from damage. 


Effects of Cell Damage


The results of damaged and aging cells can be devastating. For example, the risk of developing cancer increases considerably when cells lose their capacity to undertake DNA repair. In addition, inflammatory illnesses, such as auto-immune diseases, can also develop due to a cell's injury and subsequent inflammatory response.



Normal cell vs cancer cell development

Image by Freepik



DNA Damage and Cancers 

Changes in the genes (gene mutations) regulating cell growth and division are the root cause of cancer. Unhealthy cells with excessive mutations may cease functioning normally, multiply uncontrollably, and become cancerous.

A single mutation in your DNA is usually harmless. Still, a series of mutations can transform healthy cells into malignant ones over time. Normal cell function includes repairing damaged DNA or the cell self-destructing if the damage is too significant. 

Sometimes, mutations in essential genes render a cell incapable of following these directions. Consequently, the cell multiplies uncontrollably instead of getting repaired or self destruct. A malignant tumor forms when a defective cell lives and multiplies uncontrollably instead of dying off. 


DNA Damage and Autoimmunity 

Your immune system consists of an intricate web of interconnected cells, tissues, and organs. In combination, they aid your body in combating infections and other illnesses. However, the immune system's primary job is to fend off pathogens and other harmful invaders.

The ability to distinguish between healthy tissue and foreign substances is a hallmark of a functional immune system. When it recognizes a foreign material, the immune system launches a full-scale assault to rid the body of the threat. It can also detect malfunctioning or damaged cells and eliminate them.

In some cases, the immune system may react to something that isn't harmful. Auto-immune disease occurs when the body's defenses mistakenly target healthy cells in organs and tissues. Chronic pain and swelling are symptoms of autoimmunity. Diabetes mellitus type 1, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac illness, and lupus are all auto-immune diseases. 

Scientists have come up with various possible explanations for this phenomenon. In one analysis, researchers highlighted the mutual influence of cell damage and auto-immune disorders. Thus, cellular damage can trigger the auto-immune response in several different ways.



Vegetables that help maintain good cellular health



DNA Repair and Antioxidants


Every cell in your body contributes to forming free radicals, but antioxidants seek and destroy them to prevent cell damage. But, in the absence of antioxidants, free radicals would rapidly cause severe damage and lead to death.

Free radicals perform several vitally critical tasks for human health. Your immune cells, for instance, rely on free radicals in their fight against infections. As a result, your body requires a healthy ratio of free radicals to antioxidants.

Oxidative stress happens when free radicals outnumber antioxidants. Oxidative stress, if allowed to persist, can cause DNA and other crucial molecules in the body to deteriorate.

As a result, antioxidants are crucial to the health of every living organism. However, even though the body produces its antioxidants, getting enough from food sources is essential for warding against oxidative stress.

There are two categories of antioxidants, those that are water-soluble and those that are fat-soluble. Unlike fat-soluble antioxidants, which predominantly work in cell membranes, water-soluble antioxidants can function within and outside cells.

The most common examples are vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and related carotenoids, selenium, and manganese. Dietary sources of fat-soluble antioxidants include fish oil, liver, dairy, eggs, nuts, carrots, etc. On the other hand, foods such as citrus, cabbage, pepper, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, etc., are sources of water-soluble antioxidants.



People jumping



Relationship Between DNA Repair, NAD+, and NMN 


The coenzyme NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) exists in every cell because of its crucial function in energy metabolism. But, aside from its role in generating cellular energy, NAD+ is essential for hundreds of other cellular processes, including DNA Repair. 

When DNA becomes damaged in a cell, it activates a sensor protein (PARP1), which then calls for the help of other proteins involved in DNA repair. PARP1 and other DNA repair proteins require nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to do their job. In other words, elevated NAD+ levels enhance energy and cellular repair.

Even though NAD+ is vital to our health and survival, it depletes with age. As a result, we become prone to many chronic age-related diseases. Studies suggest that supplementing NAD+ precursors may improve cellular DNA repair capacity by increasing NAD+ bioavailability. An excellent and safe precursor to NAD+ is nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). 

NMN serves primarily as a transitional or intermediary step in the production of NAD+. Thus, NMN plays a crucial function in cellular health. In addition, some foods like broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, avocado, and a few fruits all contain trace amounts of NMN.

While we may acquire enough NMN in our diet to maintain the NAD+ production necessary for normal functioning, it may not be enough to replace the NAD+ lost with aging. Therefore, Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) supplements, which enter cells quickly and aid in the production of NAD+, are the most efficient strategy to increase NAD+ levels. 

JOOSH PURE NMN capsules and powder are high-quality cellular health supplements to boost your NAD + levels and promote healthy and graceful aging. 



Infographic demonstrating how to increase healthspan, life extension, and longevity



How To Support Cellular Health 


To achieve and sustain optimal health and age gracefully, we must first focus on the inner workings of our bodies at the cellular levels. Below are some steps to support the health of your cells.


Make Antioxidants a Top Priority


While eating a healthy, well-rounded diet is essential, the most significant improvements to cellular health will be evident by eating more foods rich in antioxidants. They are present in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Still, They are most noticeable in those with deep, saturated colors like blue, red, orange, and yellow.



Vegetables that help with anti-aging



Maintain A Regular Exercise Routine


Regular exercise is crucial for boosting longevity and the body's proportion of healthy cells. Telomeres are caps at the end of DNA strands. Studies demonstrate that cardiovascular (or aerobic) exercise, particularly, lengthens telomeres and collaborates with cellular health and longevity.



Woman climbing the stairs to improve immunity



Minimize Exposure To Toxins


It might be difficult to avoid toxins entirely, but you can minimize your exposure to them. Replace your synthetic cleaning supplies and cosmetics with safer, more natural alternatives. Wearing sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure and tanning beds will protect you from the harmful effects of UV radiation. Finally, to prevent cell damage, it's best to avoid (and quit) smoking, limit alcohol, and cut back on red meat and fried food consumption. 



No smoking sign to improve cellular health



Support Your Cellular Health With Appropriate Supplements 


Even while dietary and lifestyle modifications are the backbone of anti-aging cellular health, taking a supplement might give your cells added support. Taking a supplement might help you get the nutrients you need since they typically include a more concentrated form of the necessary nutrients than what is in food. In addition, they help combat the effects of time on cells.  


Focus on Getting Enough Sleep 


Lack of adequate sleep, especially for long periods, can harm cells and speed up aging. Thus, get at least seven to eight hours of sleep nightly and create a soothing pre-sleep ritual to help you unwind and get to sleep faster.



Woman sleeping peacefully with the help of NMN





Maintaining healthy cells is the first step toward a healthy body. The good news is that the simple lifestyle changes required to preserve your cells are not difficult to implement.

Furthermore, you can maximize the benefits of your health, wellness, and anti-aging activities by boosting your antioxidant and NMN levels with diet and supplements. That way, you will have excellent odds of living a long and healthy life.

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