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Your body progression at age 40, 50 and 60

  • When we hit our 40s, our cells begin to age, and this process speeds up as we enter our 60s and beyond.

  • From age 40 to 50, 60, and beyond, the heart, eyes, skin, bones, and even hormones all change in noticeable ways.

  • Aging is natural, but habits and lifestyles can hasten or slow its progression.


Everyone ages differently. Sometimes we see people who appear younger than their actual age, while some look older. It can seem unbelievable to see a set of twins, one looking much older than the other. Clearly, the causes of aging are more complex than just the passage of time and genetics. Therefore, are there ways we can make our bodies age more slowly? 

Aging brings about inevitable changes in the body. You can't stop these shifts from happening any more than you can stop time. Still, with careful attention to what you take into your body and other lifestyle factors, you can delay the onset of aging.

Read on to find out what happens to your body as you get older and what you can do to slow down the aging process and boost longevity.





How the body changes with age 


Aging touches virtually every body part, but some changes are more evident than others. The following are some typical aging-related changes that you might encounter at age 40, 50, and 60:



Man in his 40s who is focused on life extension



Your body progression at age 40




Undoubtedly, you can expect to see changes to your skin throughout your life, but you may notice a more dramatic shift around the time you hit 40. The delicate skin around the eyes is often the first to reveal the effects of time.

Also, it is very common for people in their 40s to notice a reduction in facial fat, particularly around the temples and mid cheekbones, and the beginnings of skin thinning, wrinkling, and drooping.

The structural proteins collagen and elastin, which help skin retain suppleness and elasticity, also degrade. The result is skin that is more vulnerable to premature aging effects, including wrinkles and drooping. There is also an increase in skin pigmentation.




Men lose 3-5 percent of their muscle mass every decade, beginning in their 30s, according to a study conducted at Harvard University. Most people don't feel the effects until they're in their 40s.

Bone cells are lost faster than they are replaced as people age. As a result, the bones gradually lose density. Loss of bone density and muscle mass could reduce your stature. After 40, a typical person's height will decrease by half an inch every decade. Age-related bone and muscle loss contribute to a heightened risk of falling.




After 40, you may notice that it takes a noticeably more extended time for your hair to regrow, or it may even be thinner. Hormonal changes associated with aging also contribute to the mental haze (brain fog) that often affects those over the age of 40.

After age 40, many people find it more challenging to focus on nearby objects, such as when reading, even if they have never used corrective lenses before. As we age, the lens in our eyes naturally becomes more rigid, resulting in a condition known as presbyopia. Also, some of the cells in your liver, kidneys, and other organs may die off.



Man in his 50s who is focused on maintaining good immunity


Your body progression at age 50




A loss of body fat and a decline in collagen and elastin production can make the skin around your eyes sag and hooded and make them look smaller than they used to be.

By the time you reach the age of 50, the fine lines and wrinkles that you may have fought against in your 30s and 40s are almost certainly irreversible. In fact, they'll be more pronounced than ever before.

Your sunburns will now be visible. You should watch for age spots, skin tags, and other potential skin cancer warning signs. You may also notice that your skin feels drier and more sensitive. Skin problems are another side effect of menopause hormone shifts.




If you're like most people, by the time you're 50, you've lost about 10% of your muscle mass from when you were 30. A decreased muscle mass might make it more challenging to complete heavy tasks such as hauling in a hefty load of groceries. Muscle and body strength decline has a ripple effect on other aspects of health, including stamina, equilibrium, and mobility.

When you're young, your body replaces old, weak bone cells with fresh, robust ones. In your 50s, you lose more bone cells to wear and tear than can be restored. In your 50s, you may notice a decline in the thickness of the tissue and cartilage that cushion your joints.




The immune system may respond less quickly to infections and other external assaults. Also, your body isn't producing as many "fighter" cells to eliminate illnesses as it once was. Low immunity increases your risk of contracting influenza, pneumonia, and tetanus, so staying current on your vaccinations is essential.

About 40% of persons over the age of 50 experience some degree of hearing loss. It's not just becoming older that causes hearing loss; genetics and health concerns like high blood pressure and heart disease can also play a role. Your eyesight will change as you age, so routine check-ups are essential.



Couple who focuses on improving healthspan.



Your body progression at age 60




Less oil production from the skin is good news for people who suffer from adult acne, but it can lead to dry, flaky skin for the rest of us. You start to feel like your skin is itching and cracking like crepe paper or tissue. Scars, creases, and bruises, as well as the signs of aging, stand out more clearly.

However, you might discover that your skin is more delicate and that age spots are multiplying. Also, whether you smoked heavily in your early years or spent a lot of time in the sun, the fine lines and wrinkles that began showing in your 50s are growing more pronounced.




Joint pain is more common at age 60 due to the natural breakdown of cartilage, loss of joint fluid, and weakening of the muscles that support the joints. A sedentary lifestyle usually compounds the problem.

Loss of bone density causes the spinal column to shorten, and the inability to replace old bone with new bone accelerates the process during menopause. Menopause raises the risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones) in women. About 5% of men aged 65 also have this bone disease.




Generally, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases after the age of 60. The heart and blood veins stiffen with age, slowing the rate at which blood can be pumped into the organ.

Dim lighting could make it difficult to read; those over 60 often require three times as much illumination as those under 20. Further, the danger of macular degeneration increases after 60. Hearing loss is a frequent symptom of aging, caused by deterioration of the ear canal, eardrum, and other components.

On the bright side, neurogenesis, or the creation of new brain cells, continues even after you reach your 60s. so you can maintain a robust capability for learning.


How to slow down your body progression


When our body's healing mechanisms cannot keep up with its wear and tear over time, we age and develop degenerative diseases. But your day-to-day health habits significantly impact how you age and can make a difference in your well-being in your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond.




Both muscle and bone density decline with age. Strength training helps prevent this by increasing muscle mass and bone density. Enhancing their stability and coordination reduces the risk of injury from falls among the elderly.

Physical fitness has positive effects on our mental well-being as well. As a result, you'll experience less stress and better sleep, which are crucial to your cells' long-term vitality. Improved circulation and less swelling are two additional benefits of regular exercise. Regular cardiovascular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy heart and lungs and building muscle.



Man who is exercising





While your genes play a role in how quickly you age, your diet can affect your appearance as you age. Your body's natural defenses will function better if you eat well.

All humans have a cellular biological clock that begins ticking at birth and eventually reflects the body's aging process. Looking at the wear and tear on your cells, you may know how far along your life is. For example, if your calendar age is 40, the level of aging internally might be older or younger.

A  preliminary study suggests that lifestyle factors such as nutrition and exercise can slow the body's biological aging process.

According to a European study, participants who followed the Mediterranean diet for an entire year saw an average one and a half years reduction in their biological age. The Mediterranean diet contains vegetables, fish, lean proteins, nuts, legumes, and olive oil.

Intermittent fasting is yet another healthy eating plan. A diet plan in which you restrict your food consumption to specific times of day or days of the week. In response to food deprivation, the body produces more nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which activates the genes responsible for life extension.

Of course, not everyone can benefit from intermittent fasting, but many can. The shorter the eating window, the better for optimizing the body's natural anti-aging mechanisms.

In addition, reduce your intake of animal protein as a means of slowing down your biological age. Restrict consuming too many processed foods, as they may contain substances that are harmful to cells. Instead, substitute these unhealthy options with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to keep your cells healthy. Also, limit alcohol consumption.



Salad bowl to maintain a healthy diet





Getting a good night's rest (7-8 hours sleep) is essential for many reasons. While we snooze, our bodies can fix the harm done during the day, including cellular damage. Cellular damage is a potential cause of accelerated aging.

The Human growth hormone (HGH) produced by the body aids in cell and tissue regeneration and is most active during sleep. Sleep deprivation reduces HGH production, which can cause cellular damage and rapid aging. Lack of adequate sleep is associated with premature aging and several chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.



No smoking to improve healthspan





Smoking accelerates aging in two primary ways: first, by causing inflammatory reactions, and second, by increasing the likelihood of developing some health conditions. Accordingly, those who abstain from smoking have a better chance of delaying the onset of diseases and aging and thus living longer.

More recent studies have linked tobacco use to a third health issue: accelerated aging. Mamoshina et al. surveyed to determine the effect of smoking on aging by comparing the blood and cell counts of smokers and non-smokers using artificial intelligence. This research shows that smoking significantly speeds up smokers' biological aging.

Although electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) do not contain tobacco or the vast majority of chemicals in traditional cigarettes, they do contain some, including nicotine. Hence, vaping has similar impacts as cigarettes on the skin, with various studies showing nicotine slowing down wound healing.

Consider the resources available to you if you want to quit smoking. Consult your doctor about resources available to help you in your quest to kick the habit. They can advise you on what choices are in your best interest.


Summarizing Age Progression and How to Slow Aging 



Infographic explaining the progression of age and what supplements to consider



The role of supplements in slowing down aging



Anti-aging supplements in pill form



For the most part, a proper diet consisting of healthful foods is essential for optimal bodily performance. Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants all play vital roles in maintaining health and promoting development and cell function. They are effective from the inside out, promoting whole-body wellness.

Nonetheless, there are instances when even the healthiest diet falls short. For example, it may be unrealistic to consume the amount of a particular meal necessary to obtain the recommended daily allowance of a given nutrient. The amount of oranges we would have to consume daily to get to 1000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C is 2 kilograms!  

Vitamins and dietary supplements help fill in any nutritional gaps which might have severe consequences for our health. Ill health and age-related diseases are inevitable results of deficiencies. With the help of a healthy supplement habit, we may combat the signs of aging.

While no miracle pill will turn back the hands of time, some vitamins and supplements are anti-aging. For example, JOOSH anti-aging supplements revitalize the body inside out.


Supplements to slow down the aging


Scientists have discovered many nutrients that, in addition to a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, may reduce specific aging processes and help prevent age-related disease. Below, you'll find examples of some of these supplements.


Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)


The molecule NMN is a nucleotide. Nucleotides are essential for DNA replication and repair, among many other functions. The cells in your body change NMN into a chemical called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). Since NAD is used by every cell in your body, its precursor NMN is essential for cellular health.

NMN could be considered the raw material from which NAD is purified. The availability of NMN in the body determines how much NAD the body can produce.

Your body's NMN levels gradually diminish as you age, leading to a corresponding drop in NAD. To some extent, this could explain why aging can have such a negative impact on your health.

Pure NMN is an excellent supplement for increasing cellular NAD levels and consequently slowing aging. The supplement is available in capsule and powder form. It is well-tolerated and has been shown to have few adverse effects in human and animal trials.




Collagen is the body's primary protein. It's the fundamental ingredient in achieving plump, healthy skin. Wrinkles and lack of skin suppleness result in the body producing less collagen as you age. Improving your collagen levels and consuming more collagen can delay these aging processes, allowing your skin to maintain its youthful structure for longer.

We start to experience a decline in collagen production in our early twenties. When our bodies naturally produce less collagen, however, we may ensure that our levels remain high by taking a collagen supplement like Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides (456g). Collagen supplements have been shown to increase skin suppleness and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the skin of older adults.


Vitamin D


As a potent anti-aging vitamin, vitamin D (or "the sunshine vitamin") has been linked to increased longevity, decreased risk of age-related diseases and disorders, and improved bone health.

According to research, vitamin D deficiency makes skin more susceptible to sunburn. Having adequate vitamin D in your body may aid in preventing premature symptoms of aging on the skin, as sun exposure is one of the most significant external contributors to fine lines and pigmentation. Vitamins D, E, and K, which are fat-soluble, can also contribute to a more youthful appearance of the skin. 

Furthermore, although vitamin D's effects on aging have been overlooked for quite some time, recent studies reveal that the sunlight vitamin is considerably more potent than previously assumed. One 2016 study finds that vitamin D can prolong the median lifetime by 33%.

Loss of bone density from a lack of vitamin D can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures (broken bones). Insufficient exposure to sunshine or inadequate dietary intake can lead to vitamin D insufficiency. Diseases like metabolic and autoimmune illnesses have been related to deficient vitamin D Levels. 




Aging is an unavoidable natural process. Even so, you can take life extension measures that could help keep your body looking and feeling young for longer. Although it's impossible to stop the passage of time, nourishing your body with healthy foods, supplements, and good lifestyle choices can help you age more gracefully.

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